home hygiene programs products

Product's features:

Hygiene program:


Hygiene programs for institutions
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Chemipur S 75

Acidic, foaming, industrial cleaner and disinfectant


Phosphoric acid-based, liquid, concentrated cleaner and disinfectant designed for the removal of organic and inorganic contaminations. Very powerful detergent with surface-active components. Besides its cleaning effect it has a distinguished disinfection effect as well. Concerning prescribed instructions of application, suitable for the cleaning of items made of acid resistant steel, rubber, plastic and glass. It attacks surfaces made of aluminium and zinc, therefore not recommended to apply on these kinds of surfaces. It is applicable in the fields of the food industry (dairy, meat, beverages industry, etc.).


home hygiene programs products

Hungaro Chemicals Ltd. - 4445 Nagycserkesz, Halmosbokor 6.
phone: +36 42 508 970, fax: +36 42 500 039