home hygiene programs products

Product's features:

Hygiene program:


Hygiene programs for institutions
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Chemicid SP 2000 Plus

Acidic cleaner and disinfectant


Liquid, acidic cleaner and disinfectant, which has a high proportion of special agent. It is primarily developed to remove lime and lime-stone as well as fat and protein stains. Thanks to its composition it has great fat-emulsion forming effect and good ability to transport contaminants. In compliance with the application proposal it can be also used on chrome nickel steel, aluminium, rubber and acid-resistant surfaces. It is well applicable in the fields of the food industry, such as in the dairy, meat, beer and beverages industry.


home hygiene programs products

Hungaro Chemicals Ltd. - 4445 Nagycserkesz, Halmosbokor 6.
phone: +36 42 508 970, fax: +36 42 500 039