home hygiene programs products

Product's features:

Hygiene program:


Hygiene programs for institutions
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Septoclean CL 50

Alkaline cleaner and disinfectant


It is a fluent, alkaline, non-foaming, cleaner and disinfectant with combined mode of action. It is suitable for the cleaning and disinfection of euipment and surfaces heavily contaminated with fat and protein. The significant amount of active chlorine provides a good disinfection effect. It is well applicable in various fields of the food industry, in the sectors of dairy, meat and beverage industry. Due to the high lye-content it is primarily recommended to use by machine cleaning procedures, e.g.: CIP systems or high pressure equipment, but carefully applied it is suitable for manual cleansing disinfection. The product has the outstanding feature that it does not attack most of the construction materials. Concerning prescribed instructions of application it does not attack surfaces made of stainless steel, iron, aluminium, brass, copper, enamel, plastic, rubber and tinned metals. Make an impact test on the surface before use! It does not attack surfaces made of stainless steel, glass, plastic and rubber. Do not use on surfaces made of aluminium and its alloys, and non-ferrous metals!


home hygiene programs products

Hungaro Chemicals Ltd. - 4445 Nagycserkesz, Halmosbokor 6.
phone: +36 42 508 970, fax: +36 42 500 039