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hygiene programs
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Chemipon LP Grill

Universal cleaning powder


Strongly alkaline, non-foaming cleaning powder. The carefully defined combination of alkali, polymer phosphates, additives and disperging agents assures excellent cleaning, dispergng and emulging features that makes it perfectly suitable for the cleaning of surfaces strongly contaminated with fats and proteins, bottle-cleaning and solution of tartaric. Suitable for vapour-, circulating- and drawing method mechanical cleaning. In compliance with the application proposal the chemical does not attack surfaces made of chromium nickel steel, alkaline resistant plastic and glass, and does not cause any damage to rubber gaskets. It is not recommended to use on surfaces and equipments made of non-ferrous- or light metals, aluminium or their alloys or materials galvanized with zinc.


home hygiene programs products

Hungaro Chemicals Ltd. - 4445 Nagycserkesz, Halmosbokor 6.
phone: +36 42 508 970, fax: +36 42 500 039