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Alkaline detergent and degreaser concentrate


It is a fluent, foam-active, special detergent with high alkali content. Its special composition assures rapid penetration into the strongly hardened and carbonised fat- and protein-origin coatings. Thanks to its special composition, it not only brings the greasy and oily contaminations into solution, but it destroys them and makes them soluble in water. Thus, the released contaminations are fully removable. It preserves its efficiency even at high water hardness values. Due to its versatility it is applicable for the cleaning of smoke boxes, drains, pipes, grease traps, or in any area, where are extreme fat contaminations. It eliminates bad odors coming from the clogged pipes, drains, and removes fat deposits. With the help of a special device stable foam can be created which is able to adhere to vertical walls for a longer time. Due to its very strong cleaning effect, it is applicable on surfaces made of aluminium, and its alloys, and on zinc, tin and painted surfaces only after a pre-test made on a small part of the treated surface.


home hygiene programs products

Hungaro Chemicals Ltd. - 4445 Nagycserkesz, Halmosbokor 6.
phone: +36 42 508 970, fax: +36 42 500 039